domingo, agosto 28, 2005

Shame Line

Well i stand but going, disturbing my life
I think in staying but this life is unreal
But i know i need it, cause i must breed
And i try to blink everyday
I left the crying for long
All to blame, a game to play
It's stupid... I don't feel it

segunda-feira, agosto 22, 2005

Arts est celare artem (A arte está em esconder a arte)

Adoptio naturam imitarum, Mala ultro adsunt
Nihil vero incerta quam ejus hora, Injuriarum remedium est oblivio
Fortuna belli, Alea jacta

Dies posterior prioris est discipulus
Dies posterior prioris est discipulus

terça-feira, agosto 16, 2005

From the "Bring It"

Stand on my own, everything i scratch
I say i wasn't addicted, shit disapear

Bring it back at time

Looking myself, i'm sorry
Something for you, wrong with you

Bring it back at time

Sleep inside, never be
Fade away
Set the brains
Stand the figth

Bring it back at time

terça-feira, agosto 02, 2005


A moon try to put all the blame in me
The moon to hide what the blind can see
The moon doesn't know how the sun can be
The sun can hide behind

The sun flame